At the start
In the year 2000, I was introduced to a couple of guys starting an SEO company, called Netrank. This is where my interest in computers turned into a fascination with how websites work, and how they can appear higher in search engines.
While studying Internet Applications at Plymouth University, I did SEO for Netrank in a part-time capacity, and for my work placement year. After grabbing my degree with both hands, I started work at a company called Chapter Zero. At this point, Netrank had already become the biggest search company in the UK.
After 4 years of refining my profession and building a small SEO team, Chapter Zero had closed its doors. This is when I started working for the Organic Agency.
Somewhere in-between
I joined The Organic Agency as a one-man SEO team, alongside the directors and other developers. I stayed there for 3 years, parting ways at a point when the digital marketing team was a lot bigger, and the company was growing at break-neck speed.
Towards the present
I have been self-employed since 2012, undertaking digital marketing in Devon for some of the biggest clients in their respective industries. I also have regular clients based in the North, London and even the US. If you want to know about some of the work I’ve done with clients over the years, check out the Case Studies page. The case studies there are a few years old now, but if the time comes when I need to look for more work, they’ll be updated. I’ve been very fortunate to not have to proactively look for work in the last few years due to word-of-mouth.
Where I’m currently at
My expertise lies in analysing websites, understanding their weaknesses and improving them. I ensure websites perform to their full potential in search engines, and that humans love them too.
I also enjoy number-crunching PPC campaigns, and doing pragmatic PR outreach for those who wish to fully realise what their website can do.
On the side
I create websites for small businesses using WordPress, and implement CRO/usability strategies. This felt like a natural progression for me in the last few years. If there’s anything you want doing that I can’t, I’ll put you in touch with someone who can.
When I’m not working
I spend time developing and providing support for a popular blogging system called JaggyBlog. Okay, that still kind of counts as work.
Apart from that, I enjoy being a part of the local running community, drinking copious amounts of tea, and taking long walks around National Trust areas.
Past achievements (a chance to blow my own trumpet)
My main achievement has been doing SEO as a career for over 20 years. My proudest technical achievement has been creating JaggyBlog, a blogging component for Joomla. I spent 9 months creating this in my spare time, and developing it on-and-off over a further 2 years. JaggyBlog has sold over 2,000 copies, and powers over 5,000 websites.
In my teens and twenties I was a professional video games player and streamer. I trained to a grade 4 in guitar and have had gig photography published. I’ve designed logos that were used by a major transport company and restaurant chain while studying A-levels.
During my 30s, I started studying Spanish, writing an SEO book, and running 5 days a week in the hope of getting a sub 20-minute Park Run.
Now in my 40s, I still learn Spanish and continue running. I’ve also dusted off the guitar and starting playing again after 20 years! Lately, the things I do in life no longer have an end goal. It very much feels like running a marathon: Improving a little bit everyday and pacing myself.